My experience



‭+1 (360) 842-6850‬

Ever since I was a kid, I've been creating art. Either through sculpture, photography, ceramics, music, or graphic arts, my critical eye and since of aesthetics have taken me to many vocations. 

I have been a producer/director of television, graphic artist, commissioned composer & sound designer, ski videographer, audio/visual technician, photographer/lab technician, salesman, director of photography, sound mixer, broadcast video editor,  and lighting designer for video/stage/and film. My worst jobs included, delivery driver and  the guy who pours the lead pigs for the Linotype machine at a newspaper. If you don't know what a Linotype machine is, Google it. It was a miserable job in the summertime.

I have worked on many award-winning productions over the years.  Now, I'm concentrating on my many skills on still photography and digital art imagery that can be viewed and/or purchased through links on this site. My goal is to get my art in front of as many eyes and ears as possible. once enough people are connected to my art, I plan to start having gallery shows in the San Diego area.

Depending on fan response, I will get that started sooner than later.